Montreal, QC, Canada
For the first time on the Pista menu, we present to you the Genji Challa. This coffee comes to us from the Telila washing station, located in Kecho Anderacha, in the Jimma region of Ethiopia. This young washing station has been in existence for only 3 years and is operated by a very experienced team headed by our import partner Mike Mamo. Quality control and innovation are top priorities at this station. For example, a particularity of this station and what makes it unique is that it separates the batches as soon as they arrive by Kebele. This allows very precise traceability of the coffee cherries it receives. This is a rare way of doing things in Ethiopia. In the majority of cases, growers take their cherries to a washing station and they are sorted by processing methods. The batches are then simply identified with the name of the washing station. This new relationship with the Telila car wash was made possible through our import partner Osito Coffee. Mike and his team receive the coffee cherries from 3 different Kebele at this station: Genji Challa, Gera and Kolla. Grown at an altitude of around 2000 meters, this coffee is made from the 74112 (Serto) variety. This variety was selected by the JARC (Jimma Agricultural Research Center) in 1979 for its resistance to certain diseases, as well as for its high sensory potential. First, it is picked at full maturity and sorted by flotation, then by hand, in order to remove the cherries that are too ripe or not ripe enough. It is then partially pulped using a mechanical pulper, then immersed in water for 24 to 36 hours. Finally, it is passed under a stream of water to remove the remaining mucilage, before being laid out on raised beds for 10 to 14 days for slow and homogeneous drying. Slightly tangy, it is perfect for espresso or filter coffee, offering a delicate espresso or a complex filter..
Black Tea
Single Origin
Gera, Ethiopia
Telila washing station