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Estrella Divina is a neat communal producer project from La Coipa, Peru organized by Origin Coffee Lab. The project brings together small-holder farmers in the same region, providing training resources and financing for their farms in addition to organizing a communal lot composed of the top-performing coffees. The farms are generally small, family-owned operations with 1-2 hectares in production. They process their own coffee on-site in micro-beneficios and dry either on patios or in parabolic driers. Most of the farmers organize communal harvesting days, helping their neighbors with picking and processing ripe cherries in return for the same help on their own farms. It’s a very cool concept that’s generating some great coffees - and we’re glad our friends at Nordic Approach helped bring this coffee to the states! Since this lot comes from multiple farmers in the La Coipa region, it’s a good cross- section of the flavors and varietals that are most common there. We’re tasting a rich, caramel sweetness that permeates the entire cup - it’s a smooth sipping coffee for sure. There’s a bit of brightness and a touch of berry tones, perhaps due to a few of the contributing farmers trying some different fermentations during processing. It’s a unique lot of specialty coffee that highlights the communal aspect of the beans - we hope you’ll keep the spirit alive by sharing a brew with a fellow coffee lover!




Single Origin



La Coipa, Peru


Bourbon, Caturra






La Coipa Small-Holders

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