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This coffee has our heart in many ways. Brought to us by our partners at Sustainable Harvest, we are incredibly humbled to offer the Rwanda Nymapinga. This coffee comes from an all-women’s collective, and has a rich story of prosperity. In addition, this name has significant meaning, with Nyampinga, translating to "beautiful Women, both inside and out," in Swahili. Women have become an integral part of the coffee production in Rwanda in part due to the Rwanda Genocide which lasted exactly 100 days. With many men killed, women have replaced men in the workforce, as well as politics. Since 2013 the women of Nyampinga have received training in agronomy, market access, and quality control from Sustainable Growers. The result of the farmer's hard work and enhanced knowledge of coffee production has been a resounding improvement in cup quality. Nyampinga coffees are among the finest available in all of Rwanda Nyampinga operates its own washing station, which processes coffee from farmers all over the area. It serves as a key component of specialty coffee infrastructure, elevating the region's cup profiles upward. At the coffee washing station the coffee is carefully depulped, fermented, washed, and dried on raised African beds. The members of the cooperative and coffee washing station diligently hand sort the coffee at each step of the way. Over time these under-resourced women have shown increased dedication toward growing quality coffee and connecting with the international market in order to provide better livelihoods for themselves and their families. This coffee is an incredibly delicious cup with notes of Molasses, Ginger, Kumquat.


















Nyampinga Women’s Coffee Cooperative

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