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I usually summarize notes we get from the farmers, but I don't think I could improve on this from farmer Joel Izaguirre: "My father has been working with coffee since long before I was born, in the farms that my grandfather inherited from him; my grandfather is one of the first neighbors to found our community. My brothers and I learned to work with coffee since we were children; from the age of 10 my father delegated us a lot of responsibility in the management of the farm, so everything I know about coffee I learned from him. In 2011 my dad was supported by San Vicente Mill to prepare a small lot of coffee Pacas and experiment in the world of specialty coffees; Arturo Paz (Benjamin's cousin) helped him to prepare a sample and send it to a world competition of specialty coffees; it was a surprise for all of us to know that he had won second place on the competition (see the photo). This helped my father's coffee and that of the region to become known as a high-quality coffee and from that moment on my dad started selling specialty coffee. Last year, my father decided to give me a part of his farm (1 hectare), that gave me a lot of joy because since last year I started to prepare specialty coffees as an independent producer, but we continue working together in all the farms and we support each other." From Joel Izaguirre and us at Kuma, please enjoy this one!



Toasted Oats


Single Origin



Las Vegas, Honduras












Joel Izaguirre

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