Lively Coffee Roasters
Zagreb, Croatia
Coopedota was founded in 1960 by 96 brave farmers, of whom there are now 900 with families and all are part of the Coopedota cooperative. Coopedota is an integral part of the development of the surrounding community of more than 8,000 people. Coop provides jobs for many professionals in the community, helping them develop their skills while helping the community they come from. Coop has its own agro-pharmacy that gives its members benefits and supplies them with the products they need to take care of the farm. All the coffee from those 900 farmers was hand-harvested to guarantee the best and most direct selection. Coopedota has certificates for each of the three main qualities, as well as full-time supervisors who will verify and ensure that the parameters established to control these certificates are respected. The work that Coopedota has invested in environmental and social has given them several accolades including: Carbon Neutral certification, “Esencial” certification which is also a country brand as a Rainforest Alliance certificate. The goal of the Esencial brand is to create competition and a competitive spirit in Costa Rica so that everyone can raise the standards of their companies. Coopedota has a sophisticated floating system that helps them choose from over 1,000,000 fanegas (fanega is a Costa Rican coffee unit of measure) per year. Then, mechanical eco-pulpers remove cherries that are re-selected in a stream of recycled water. After removing the cherries, the grains are left to soak overnight in stainless steel containers with a minimum amount of water. The next day, the clean grains with the shell are transferred to the drying phase. Most of the coffee is mechanically dried in "guardiolas" or hot drums. Coffee-drying ovens are fired with pressed parchment shells. Warm drums provide security and consistency in the process; this way the weather does not affect the drying of the coffee, they can dry the coffee faster and control the humidity more precisely.
Red Apple
Single Origin
Costa Rica
Catuai, Caturra