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Producer & region A group of 320 small coffee farmers forms Kurintji Barokah Bersama Cooperative, which is located at the foot of Mount Kerinci on Sumatra. Mount Kerinci is one of the many volcanoes in the "Pacific Ring of Fire", a 40,000-kilometer-long series of 452 active volcanoes. These volcanoes regularly erupt and provide a lush and green area that is very fertile due to the volcanic soil. Kurintji Baroqueah Bersama is governed by Triyono. Triyono trains members in processing methods and roasting. This is done in their own well-equipped roasting facility, cupping lab and dry mill. The processing method This anaerobic and unwashed fate is first sorted by density by removing floating berries. Afterwards, the berries are placed on raised beds from where unripe, overripe and damaged berries are removed. This selection of berries is stored in airtight bags per 20kg in a cool and dry spot with a controlled temperature (18 to 22 degrees). After 7 days, the berries are spread out on raised drying beds and dried in 20 to 23 days. This happens in "domes" in which they are protected from rain and direct sunlight. The taste profile The result is exceptional! It is a true anaerobic profile that is sparkling and transparent. You can expect a sweet and rich coffee with a fermented yet elegant, juicy and clean taste.


Passion Fruit




Single Origin



South Sumatra, Indonesia






Sigararutang, Andungsari


Anaerobic Natural Fermentation



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