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Juan Rodriguez Vergara has been producing coffee for 20 years in the community of La Union. Similar to other producers, Juan has been involved in coffee production and land stewardship his entire life. Families and day laborers come together to make harvesting possible, along with support from the Santuario cooperative bringing coffee to the market. Juan is focused on progressively raising the quality of his cup, and aims to produce an award winning coffee. Juan grows Caturra variety on a portion of his 4 hectare farm.. Juan is a member of the Santuario Cooperative which helps it's members get the best possible prices for coffee through quality improvement. Santuario also offers technical field assistance, sending individuals with agricultural experience and training to offer advice on soil fertility, cultivation techniques, harvesting, and post-harvest practices in order to improve quality. Uniting smallholder producers from Northern Peru’s ecologically diverse Cajamarca region, Santuario’s long-term goals include helping farmers renovate their farms with the besttasting and most resilient coffee varieties, controlling pests and soil fertility through organic means, helping farmers navigate the effects of climate change, and helping scale improved drying practices as the coop grows. In addition to helping farmers access the specialty market, Santuario’s focus on long-term sustainability offers a path to long-term profitability for smallholders. This coffee has been imported by the team at Red Fox Coffee Merchants.





Single Origin



Cajamarca, Peru










Juan Rodriguez Vergara

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