Little Waves Coffee Roasters
Durham, NC, USA
Name: Xenia CalixRegion: Dipilto, Nueva Segovia, NicaraguaNotes: cherry, key lime pie, nougat, piloncilloFarm: Finca Santa TeresaVariety: Red PacamaraProcess: Natural Altitude: 1,400 MASL Brew Ratios: For pourovers, try a 1:16 ratio. A 1:2 ratio will work best for espresso.More: "Part of Rooted Reverberations is that we are putting out what we want to attract. In that, we were approached by a partner on the importing side, Ali Johnson, who tasted this coffee and thought of us for the perfect home. This is our first time having a coffee from Nicaragua. We cupped this blind and loved what we tasted and we're elated it happens to be produced by a woman." - Areli Xenia Calix is a coffee with tasting notes of cherry, key lime pie, nougat, and piloncillo. This coffee is extra special as Little Waves' first Nicaraguan coffee and because it's a Red Pacamara variety. These beans usually have complex and intense aromas; medium to dense bodies with creamy textures; and elegant acidity with flavors that swing from sweet notes of chocolate and butterscotch to fruitier undertones of stone fruits. Known for its large beans and great quality, the Red Pacamara variety originated by the Salvadoran Institute for Coffee Research (ISIC) in the 1950s. Earlier that decade, Xenia Calix's late husband, Isaias Lagos, purchased Finca Santa Teresa. When Isaias passed away in 2013, Xenia began managing the farm with the help of her son, Jorge Lagos. The variety was first planted only as a trial at Finca Santa Teresa due to concerns about the variety's susceptibility to diseases like roya (leaf rust) and low yield. However, because the Pacamara has yielded such consistently high quality, the farm is now 60% planted with Pacamara and related varieties, Maracaturra and Maragogype. Finca Santa Teresa is located in Dipilto, Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua. This region of Nicaragua has the highest altitude in the country with humid, cool conditions year-round, perfect for Red Pacamara. *IF you would like this coffee ground, please specify brew method in comments.
Single Origin
Dipilto, Nicaragua
Xenia Calix