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Flor de Maíz is a local cooperative that serves members in Villa Hortensia Antigua. Founded in 2002, ECA Flor de Maíz brought together families in the community to apply for financial support from Programa de Créditos del Fondo de Tierras to buy land for farming and found their cooperative. Most of the members of ECA Flor de Maíz and their communities of ethnically Maya Ixil. Together, the cooperative has built a range of infrastructure that supports their community’s social and economic needs. They built a collection center for parchment coffee where members can bring dried parchment to a central location for storage and transport. They also build a primary school for their children and safe communal housing for members and their families. Members selectively handpick cherry and process it on their farms. They float cherry to remove any underripes and then pulp it on manual hand pulpers. About 10% of members have electric pulpers. Once pulped, they ferment coffee in concrete tanks or in plastic barrels for approximately 24 hours. Following fermentation, they wash parchment in clean water and lay it on concrete patios to sundry. Producers rake parchment frequently to ensure even drying. It takes approximately 6 days for parchment to dry. Once dry, they bag parchment and deliver it to the cooperative’s central dry warehouse.






Single Origin



Quiché Department, Guatemala




Pacamara, Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra






Flor De Maiz Co-op

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