Amavida Coffee Roasters
Santa Rosa Beach, FL, USA
Espresso Retro is Amavida’s ode to the traditional espresso. We focused this on creating an organic blend with a dense, robust espresso shot with lingering crema and a rich, chocolaty aftertaste. This is achieved by taking the same organic fair trade coffee beans used in our award winning Espresso Mandarina, and altering the roast profile in two ways. The first is lengthening the roast time, to increase the body and mute the acidity in the cup. The second, is increasing the final roast temperature to allow for extra caramelization, bringing out the bittersweet flavors of a true dark roasted coffee. Often times coffees roasted in this style may taste smoky or ashy, but special care and 15+ years of roasting experience ensures that the Espresso Retro has a clean, sweet finish. This blend’s organic and fair trade components change based on harvest cycles to ensure that no matter what time of year a customer decides to order an espresso-based drink, it will be fresh and retain a consistent character. Espresso Retro is designed to be served with milk, so the blend has been carefully crafted to ensure that it has tons of body and rich, bittersweet flavors to cut through the added texture. Espresso Retro is named for the classic full bodied espresso that characterized cafes from past decades. We recognize that some things don’t have to change, and an expressive dark roasted espresso blend is just as important as its lighter roasted counterparts
Bittersweet Chocolate
Dark Chocolate
Heirloom, Red Bourbon