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Gahahe washing station is located in the Kayanza region. The washing station is equipped with 10 fermentation tanks, 4 cherry selection tables, 2 soaking tanks and a drying field with 180 drying tables, which allow the station to process up to 750 metric tons of cherry per season. All producers are smallholders who own less than 250 trees. Each tree produces an average of 1.5kg of coffee per year, meaning they end up selling up to 200-300kg each year. Most of the coffee in Burundi is Red Bourbon. This way all the families can deliver their coffee to the washing station to be processed together. Process During the harvest season, all coffee is selectively hand-picked. Cherry is wet-processed under constant supervision and the whole process is closely monitored. All cherry is floated in small buckets (the unripe cherries are sold as B-quality cherry), and then the higher quality cherry is sorted again by hand to remove all damaged, underripe and overripe cherries. After sorting, cherry is pulped within 6 hours of delivery. The coffee is dry fermented for up to 12 hours and then washed in clean mountain water for 12 to 24 hours. Parchment is then soaked for an additional 12 to 18 hours before being dried on raised beds for 2 to 3 weeks.

Bittersweet Chocolate




Single Origin



Gahahe, Burundi






Red Bourbon






Gahahe washing station

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