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There is no place on earth that produces more tantalizing, sublimely flavorful coffees than Ethiopia. The incredible range of tastes found throughout the country is a reflection of the harmony that exists between the noble coffee tree and the environment in which it was born. Beriti is located in the heart of the Gedeo Zone in arguably the most famous of all of Ethiopia’s coffee regions. It is known both locally and internationally for its production of coffees of extraordinary quality. The coffees from this area, long marketed as “Yirgacheffe,” are cherished for their intoxicating floral, peach, and jasmine-like notes. But those flavors don’t come from nature alone. It was in this part of Ethiopia that the practice of washing coffees first took root in 1974, playing a massive role in helping the country establish its global reputation for quality. Removing the skin of the coffee fruit and the fruit pulp then washing the seed clean before drying them highlights the more nuanced characteristics and allows intrinsic flavor details associated with specific terroir — the ‘taste of place’ produced by a combination of geography and coffee genetics— to come across clearly. And there are few in Ethiopia who do it better than the Adinew family. Their family-run coffee operation METAD is raising the bar on quality in a region already celebrated as the source of some of the world’s most extraordinary coffees.


Bittersweet Chocolate



Single Origin



Yirga Chefe, Ethiopia




Ethiopian Landrace







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