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La Roca showcases the sweetness we love from Nicaraguan coffees, balanced with the shining acidity of high-grown, carefully processed cherries. Six producers living on the mountainous border between Nicaragua and Honduras combine their efforts in this coffee, La Roca. The coffees are picked by hand on steep terrain located in some of the highest mountains in Central America. Processing for this communal lot is done on the individual farms, with each producer responsible for the quality of their contribution. At all farms, the ripe coffee is fermented in small, tile-lined tanks overnight before a long drying process in the cool mountain air. While some of the farmers have ideal raised bed drying setups for their coffee, others prefer to take their wet parchment a short drive down the mountain to the mill, where the warmer temperatures and drier air help the process along. Look for enduring sweetness and snappy body, just like a tall glass of lemonade.

Star Fruit


Sweet & Sugary


Single Origin



Dipilto, Nicaragua


Maragogipe, Bourbon, Caturra



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