La Palma Y El Tucan Jaime Molina Guamalito Lactic

Brandywine Coffee Roasters


Wilmington, DE, USA

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This coffee was processed using lactic fermentation, which is classified as ‘Anaerobic’ as oxygen has minimal interaction with the coffee cherry. Once the cherries arrive at the mill, they are hand sorted and placed in sealed tanks. With no oxygen involved, bacteria feed on carbohydrates present in the mucilage favoring a higher concentration of lactic acid, creating a unique profile of the resulting cup. Jaime has been a coffee farmer for 50 of his 57 years. He inherited his 2 hectare farm, Guamalito, from his parents, traditional coffee growers in the area. Jaime and his wife are in charge of all labor on the farm while their 3 children are going to school. Jaime says that the weather is the most challenging issue for his production: dry seasons are very dry, wet seasons exceedingly wet. Through their Neighbors & Crops program at La Palma y El TucĂĄn, coffee farm and state-of-the art processing mill, owners Felipe Sardi and Elisa Madriñån work with producers in their area to raise the quality of their coffees, assist them in various practices, then buy their neighbor’s cherries at a premium. Jaime is one of these producers, and his coffee reflects the careful processing Felipe and Elisa are known for.





Single Origin



Castillo, AmagĂĄ, Antioquia, Colombia




Colombia, Castillo


Lactic Natural




Jaime Molina Guamalito


La Palma y El TucĂĄn

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