Boot Koffie
Baarn, Netherlands
The coffee comes from a number of small farmers in the areas of Bies, Gegarang, Jagong and Bintang, of which Bies is the most important. 75% of the small coffee farmers here are women producers. The plantation and the coffee: Hutan is a new coffee developed in partnership with KOPEPI and DRW to fund the protection of the forests in Sumatra where it is grown. Hutan coffee not only supports this fantastic project, but tastes just as good! The profile is sweet, tropical and complex. The coffee has a chocolate-like body with notes of pineapple, lemongrass, berries and brown sugar in the cup and scores 85 points. The region has favorable climatic conditions. Ranging in altitude from 900 to 2,400 meters above sea level. With an average annual temperature of 20 degrees combined with abundant rainfall and good fertile soil, the area is very suitable for agriculture. Organization: Ketiara cooperative was founded in 2008 by a woman, Rahmah, which is unusual in Medan, the capital of North Sumatra. Ketiara has earned a well-deserved reputation as a producer of excellent Fairtrade and organic coffee. All the coffees they grow are certified. The money the coffee farmers receive extra through the Fairtrade Premium bonus on their coffee goes directly to projects that support their local community. Ketiara is always looking to improve and innovate and is community-oriented. The cooperative pays high prices for the coffee, which keeps the producers coming back year after year. But in addition, the cooperative also offers training to producers on, for example, the use of organic fertilizers. It even organizes aerobic and fitness classes for the women.By focusing on supporting and empowering women in the community, the cooperative is made up of as many as 75% women.
Black Currant
Single Origin
South Sumatra, Indonesia
Gayo 1, Gayo 2
Ketiara Cooperative