Equator Coffee
San Rafael, CA, USA
CAPRICORNIO COFFEES (BRAZIL) LAS MERCEDES ESTATE (COLOMBIA) SMALLHOLDER PRODUCERS (HONDURAS) The foundation of Dipsea Espresso is a natural processed coffee from Fazenda California, a coffee farm located in Brazil’s Norte Pioneiro growing region, in northern Paraná state. The natural or dry method of processing yields mellow flavors, typically imparting hints of dried berries which results when the coffee fruit is left in contact with the bean while drying. The classic milk chocolate and nut-toned flavors of Brazil coffee combined with these delicate fruit notes build the blend’s rich foundation. To build complexity in the blend, we added a coffee from Colombia that adds flavors of milk chocolate and spice. The coffee is produced by the Guerra family on Finca Las Mercedes, a farm situated in the mountainous terrain and temperate climate of southwest Antoquia, Colombia. As devoted stewards of the coffee that they produce and the environment, the Guerra family have dedicated 234 of the farm’s 384 hectares as a nature reserve. We finish the blend with a coffee produced by smallholder farmers located in the Comayagua region of Central Honduras. Comayagua is one of the oldest and most productive coffee growing regions in the relatively small country that surprisingly trails only Brazil, Colombia and Ethiopia in annual Arabica production. This coffee’s delicate and sweet flavor profile helps to bring the flavors of the blend’s other components into balance.
Dark Chocolate
California, USA