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This coffee went through an advanced processing method, by any standards. It involved a double-stage yeast inoculation. First, we fermented the coffee cherries, without water, using yeast that is typically used by Sauvignon blanc winemakers in closed tanks with a one-way valve that pushed the air out and thus creating an anaerobic fermentation environment. Then, after 3 days, we added water, submerging the cherries, and fermented the cherries further with a LALCAFÉ™ yeast, which has been selected especially for coffee. This produces a 'sparkling' effect and hence we called it 'Sparkling Natural'. We left the cherries to be fermented in an anaerobic condition for 3 more days then dried the cherries on raised beds. This produces a more complex coffee than the traditional natural method and pushes the limits of what Thai coffee could be. We owe the knowledge of this double-yeast inoculation experimentation to R. Miguel Meza of Isla Custom Coffees, a processor in Hawaii, who have led the way with applying yeasts to coffee fermentation. (Ply is a good friend with Miguel and have done a few auction lots together). Doi Saket is the oldest coffee growing area in Thailand, located in Chiang Mai province. Back in the late 1970's, the first Arabica trees that were part of the opium replacement program of the Thai King were tested here, and have never been replaced by higher-yield cultivars like in many other regions. As a result, heirloom varietals, particularly Typica, are still commonplace in many old farms. The coffee trees are 30-40 years old, older than the farmers! We want to demonstrate to the farmers that there are people who appreciate and are willing to pay more for the heirloom cultivar to compensate for the lower yield. Typica is now rare as farmers replaced it with higher yield and more rust resistant strands.






Single Origin



Chiang Mai, Thailand








Yeast Fermented Natural



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