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Introducing El Paraiso Jahde! This is a private profile of Castillo from the master of processing, Diego Bermudez! Produced solely for us, you can be certain that you cannot find this coffee anywhere else. This lot also plays an important secondary role in our roastery: to shed light on the hard work of Diego and his surrounding friends, farmers, and workers that collectively make up the green stock of this coffee. Here is a quick bit of what Diego had to say about it: "In 2021, in times of pandemic and struggle for the whole world, a group of childhood friends met again. We were all born in the '90s from peasant families in the municipality of Bolívar (Cauca- Colombia). Our families decided to move from the countryside to the city of Popayán in search of better opportunities. Coincidentally, all those families arrived at the Camilo Torres neighborhood, located in a popular sector of the city populated by bold people of vigorous character who yearn to get ahead. The circumstances that we lived in back then when we did not have much to offer each other, strengthened our friendship to the point we became a new family and we all had unforgettable moments together throughout our childhood and adolescence. Into adulthood, each one of us took our own course. We studied, we worked in different sectors, and we formed our own families but as years passed, we met again. Many aspects of our life had changed but our friendship remained intact and this united us and landed us in the fascinating world of coffee, with the conviction that together we could move forward and generate better well-being for all the people involved in the production chain. Now, we work with passion and dedication trying every day to provide one of the best cups of Colombian coffee for the whole world." - Diego Bermudez As for the coffee, it's processed by way of the usual multi-faceted industrious fermentation that you would expect from El Paraiso.


Red Grape


Single Origin



Cauca, Colombia








Anaerobic Fermentation




Diego Bermudez


Finca El Paraiso

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