Ethiopia Worka Sakaro Lot "Teddy"

Onibus Coffee


Tokyo, Japan

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This time, we will deliver a lot selected by President Teddy from the BNT which is an ethiopian exporter. The coffee, this time, has a gentle sweetness like lychee and an elegant and calm flavor like Darjeeling. Ethiopia tends to be bright and colorful, but this coffee is refreshing enough to be enjoyed daily.Please enjoy! Infromation from the importer below. The two presidents are Mr. Bille and Mr. Teddy. Teddy first gained experience in the coffee business at another company, and then invited his classmate from Addis Ababa University, Mr. Bille (who was working in international development at the time), to join BNT. Since then, their motto has been [PAY FAIR GET FINNEST]. Our work with them began in 2012. BNT's Yirgacheffe coffee is of excellent freshness and quality. Mr. Bille and Mr. Teddy, at exhibitions in Japan and overseas, they have learned to listen to customers' opinions and always make improvements. I was very impressed. I also liked the fact that he loves visiting customers and drinking coffee. In the early days of the company, the quality was not that good and it seems that they were struggling with cash flow. However, we have become what we are today by continuing to improve step by step together with our customers. The company has exclusive contracts with 45 washing factories in Yirgachev, Sidamo, Guji, etc. to procure coffee, while also owning several washing factories as subsidiaries. Advance payment to farmers via a washing factory (before harvest), harvesting of ripe fruit, appropriate washing process, slow drying, and highly accurate sorting at our own threshing and refining factory result in high quality and unique This leads to unique coffee. In order to further reduce the contamination rate of defective beans, we have installed an additional color sorter at our refinery, and are currently expanding the factory to increase space and production efficiency. Production processing: The cherries harvested by small-scale farmers are transported to nearby washing factories and sales offices. Put the ripe ones into the factory tank. The cherries are peeled using a MacKinnon disc pulper, and the parchment is sorted by water flow into P1, P2, and P3 (P1 is heavier and is the highest grade). The parchment is led to a fermentation tank where it undergoes a fermentation process for approximately 36 to 48 hours. When the surface slips and peels off from the parchment, wash it with water in a water channel. After soaking for about half a day, drain the parchment and dry it in the sun on an African bed. Finish drying for 12 to 15 days while stirring the parchment and removing defects. After dry milling at a threshing factory, the final refined green beans are packed into jute bags and exported through removal of refined impurities, shelling, specific gravity sorting, and hand picking. Cover the parchment with a plastic sheet during the hours of 11:00 to 15:00 when the sun is strong. This is to protect the parchment and prevent it from drying out too quickly. In addition to the high altitude of this region, which is right on the equator, too much sunlight can damage the cherries and parchment, resulting in a cloudy taste. In addition, by drying slowly over 12 to 15 days (slow drying) instead of the usual 8 days, the moisture in the coffee is evened out, creating a complex yet clean flavor. It has become clear that gradual drying has a significant impact on the shelf life of green beans in consuming countries. After drying, the threshed green beans are sorted mechanically and then hand-picked to produce high-quality FW coffee. The method is simple, but the strength of the people greatly influences the quality.


White Tea



Single Origin







Ethiopian Yirgacheffe






Worka Sakaro Wet Mill

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