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In the early 2000s, the reputation of coffee from Peru was based more on large volumes of production rather than high quality. The cooperative Central Fronteriza Del Norte De Cafetaleros (CENFROCAFE), based in the northern Peruvian town of Jaén, set out to change this. In 2006, CENFROCAFE started to gain attention for their quality. That same year, when we first tasted coffee from the cooperative, we were immediately hooked. We furthered our partnership with CENFROCAFE in 2007 by implementing a unique transparency contract, which focused our sourcing on five communities: Alto Ihuamaca, Bajo Ihuamaca, Las Mercedes, Francisco Bolognesi, and Alto Bolognesi. From the inception of this project, one moment stands out in particular. During a meeting with the members of these communities, everyone collaborated and voted to name the coffee from the project "Valle del Santuario" after the national park that neighbors many of these communities’ farms. Much has changed in the region since our project began. The construction of a regional airport in Jaén and the return of Peru’s Cup of Excellence program has brought many new coffee traders to the market, along with heightened competition. Through it all, CENFROCAFE’s growth has exploded and they are now the largest cooperative in the country. Recently, the cooperative has renewed their commitment to quality, offering a wide range of programs to support its members in the field. This year, Valle del Santuario is anchored predominantly by lots from the community of Alto Ihuamaca, along with smaller lots from producers in the remaining four communities.


Red Currant



Single Origin



San Ignacio Province, Peru






Bourbon, Pache, Caturra






Central Fronteriza Del Norte De Cafetaleros (CENFROCAFE)

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