HAYB Specialty Coffee
Warsaw, Poland
Everything is fine. The first star rose. You are sitting together at the table. The soup is not too salty. Fluffy cheesecake. Uncle Heniek tells jokes that are not stale. And jokes entertain the whole story, because we are dealing here with the most amusing blend in history. This coffee is a mix of three botanical varieties collected in the Huehuetenango region. These huehuszki can only entertain us linguistically, because in Huehuetenango coffee is treated VERY seriously – I was, I saw live. During Christmas, Guatemalans decorate their homes with flowers. We decorate and we – because in this coffee you will find a slightly floral note. Also for me, this coffee is such an infusion that could stay with us all year round! Perfect for transfer.
Red Apple
Milk Chocolate
Single Origin
Huehuetenango, Guatemala
Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra