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Dear coffee buds, how are you? Seasons are changing; so are coffees. It's always bittersweet. Always. The Ethiopian coffee ride is almost over. But if it has to end, we're going to end the ["stuff"] OUT OF IT. And thus we've saved one of our all-time favorite coffees for last (*no shade at all to any other coffees past, present, or future). Siko is a “micro area” in Ethiopia that sits at an elevation around 2200 meters above sea level, in a semi-forested landscape with exceptional biodiversity. It’s recently become synonymous with exceptional coffee; much of that because of the dedicated work of Alemayehu Sali & his employees at his processing station. Around 564 farmers from nearby villages deliver red Dega & Kurume variety coffee to the station, where the fruit is carefully sorted, pulped, & fermented in a pool for 36-48 hours, before being soaked once more for 4 hours & placed on raised screens for even drying. All of these factors (all of them) yield a coffee that is OUT OF THIS FLIPPIN’ WORLD GOOD. So, if it has to end, maybe drink some Siko & enjoy/flip-yer-wig on some flavorz... before it ends. <3 btc




Passion Fruit


Single Origin



Guji, Ethiopia




Dega, Kurume





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