Equator Coffee
San Rafael, CA, USA
We are proud to offer an incredible natural-process single origin coffee from Flor de Dalia: a beloved cooperative with a strong commitment to both environmental improvement and the elevation of coffee quality. Enjoy sweet and syrupy flavors of blackberry, red plum, and date, and support Fair Trade & Organic farming with every sip. Located in Nicaragua’s Matagalpa department, Flor de Dalia is a farmer’s cooperative that Equator has been buying from for the past five years. The group was brought to our attention by a Catholic Relief Services’ Coffeelands initiative known as Blue Harvest, or Cosecha Azul, a watershed improvement program designed to protect and restore sources of drinking water in coffee growing communities through the promotion of sustainable production. When visiting Flor de Dalia a couple of years ago, we were not only impressed with their dedication to environmental improvement, but also their desire to elevate coffee quality. The co-op had recently constructed a shaded drying station, featuring raised tables for micro lots. They were experimenting with natural processing for the first time, with the hope of submitting their coffee to the Nicaragua Cup of Excellence competition. Unfortunately, due to political instability, the 2019 competition was canceled. As a result, Equator was able to purchase the entirety of the experimental natural lot. We enjoyed the coffee so much that we have purchased it every year since. The coffees selected for this lot were produced by members who have higher elevation farms with large plantings of Caturra variety coffee.
Dried Date
Single Origin
Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Flor de Dalia