Jamaica Blue Mountain Exotic Collection



46410 Sueca, Valencia, Spain

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What does Blue Mountain Coffee taste like? Valued by coffee connoisseurs around the world, it has a unique chocolaty aroma and mild nutty flavor. It has a balanced sweetness and acidity. Roasted 100% Natural. This coffee has a particular personality. Its aroma is intense with floral notes. Its texture is smooth and creamy. In the taste we appreciate a medium and pleasant acidity, with a medium and delicate body and practically negligible bitterness. This is why it is a sweet coffee, with hints of dried fruit such as walnuts, cocoa and spices that maintain a certain harmony with each other. This makes for a lush coffee. How is this Jamaica Coffee produced? The process begins with cultivation. In Jamaica, they are committed to a natural production system, by using organic fertilizers and the cherry harvest is completely manual. This is due to the geography of the land, which presents great unevenness and does not make the transit of machinery possible. Only the mature grain is collected, which ensures the quality of the coffee in the cup. The pulping is by wet method, and after obtaining the coffee beans and drying them in the sun, they are classified by size, discarding those with defects. As in the collection, the classification is also manual and requires a lot of skill on the part of the collectors. One of the characteristics of this coffee is that it has a characteristic blue-green color when raw. The coffee tasting is carried out in a precise way by the competent authority. It consists of a first evaluation of the green and roasted coffee beans. The cupping is done anonymously, that is, without knowing which farm or processor the coffee comes from, and a detailed evaluation questionnaire is completed. In this way, impartiality is ensured, because regardless of the reputation of the producer or processor, if a coffee does not meet quality standards, it will be rejected.




Single Origin







Blue Mountain

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