Peru “Magdalena Lopez Herrera”

Coffee Corral


Red Bank, NJ, USA

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This coffee offers sweet notes of cane sugar, pear, red apple, and toffee. It has a medium body and almost no acidity, with a very sweet finish. The cup profile is pretty unique in comparison to our other coffee offerings at the moment. The candied notes and the mild acidity bring an interesting complexity, as often sweetness would show more acidity. Though this coffee’s sweetness is more wholesome, and less bright and vibrant. Our roaster profiled two different ways, but this profile stood out centerfold over the other one. The intricacy of this cup makes it worthwhile to try, and the story behind the producer really brings it home for us. Organic Peru Micro Lot is a specialty green coffee that comes from Magdalena Lopez Herrera, a member of the San Antonio de la Blaza committee of COOPAFSI. Magdalena is a powerful female coffee producer who is proud and not afraid to express her own opinions. She joined COOPAFSI to receive technical training, fair pay and special incentives for her specialty coffee. She recently received a solar tent thanks to the support of Royal New York and our great customers. In partnership with her husband, they manage their farm carrying out all tasks from preparing the land to the post harvest. The work that they do in specialty coffee provides them with a decent livelihood and education for their children. COOPAFSI was established in 1969 in an effort to promote gender equality in coffee production and has focused heavily on ways to improve coffee quality and the livelihoods of its members.



Red Apple



Single Origin









Bourbon, Catimor, Caturra





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