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Jhon "Jhonny" Alvarado comes from a coffee growing family. Many of his siblings also have coffee farms around the region. The brown car region has received a real boost in recent years and new process stations are being added continuously. El Salitre is the family's main farm where the Corazón de Jesús process station is also located. In total, the brothers have 16 ha of coffee cultivation divided into four farms and a good harvest year can produce 800 sacks. This lot is a typica and comprises only 0.5 ha of cultivation area. The coffee trees are only 5 years old, but already give a nice harvest. This typica has been fermented overnight in bags at a temperature between 15–18 ° C. The coffee berries are then taken to closed vessels where they are fermented in a controlled manner for 4 days. Then they are allowed to dry on raised tables for 10 days to finally be allowed to dry on patios for 10-15 days. The whole process is done with peel and pulp on, which gives a sweet and good coffee. The purity of the cup shows a solid accuracy in the process.

Green Grape

Bittersweet Chocolate


Single Origin



Costa Rica






Anaerobic Natural Fermentation




Jhon Alvardo


El Salitre

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