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It's the ultimate task for a roast master and green buyer to work together to create the signature blend for a coffee roasting company. And this is a job we undertake season after season, as the coffees we have access to change due to each year's harvests. But we're always looking to make this blend versatile, easy to brew, and a great tasting coffee either black or with milk.⁠ ⁠ That's why we've called this blend "Attaboy" -- it just performs so well, no matter if you're pulling shots or batch brewing.⁠ ⁠ We've been working with the Timanå co-op for over five years now, and the beautiful brown sugar sweetness from their coffee forms the backbone of our blend. It's comforting and sweet, with enough structure to support some floral and fruitier components coming from the washed and natural Ethiopia coffees. ⁠ ⁠ In our winter edition of Attaboy, the washed Aricha adds in a light citrus note along with floral aroma, while the natural coffee from Chelbesa Station in Yirgacheffe turns up the complexity of fruit characters (red berries, blackberries, and a touch of stone fruit) to keep this blend interesting when you're trying out different extraction parameters. We hope you love it as much as we do!⁠ -: - Percentage: 50% Name: Timanå co-op Variety: Mixed varieties Process: washed Origin: Huila, Colombia -: - Percentage: 25% Name: Chelbesa Station Variety: heirloom Process: natural Origin: Worka, Ethiopia -: - Percentage: 25% Name: Aricha Variety: heirloom Process: washed Origin: Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia -: -










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