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A very unique Sumatran coffee. Pure variety lots of any type are very hard to come by from this origin. Typically several varieties are scattered about in fields. This coffee is also washed and parchment dried, unlike the more common wet-hulling associated with the region. Lisa & Leo’s Organic® Coffee was established in 2010 but conceived long before that. A lifelong dream of having a coffee farm turned into an ambition to start a company and grow a business based on their personal values that would guide every aspect of the work, the land and the products produced from the land. Located in Simalungun, North Sumatra, the organic coffee farm and gardens is complimented by a Macadamia Orchard, a wet mill facility, an ECO Tourism Farm Stay Lodge connected to a Coffee Processing Education Center and the protected Siamang Forest. All of their Arabica coffees were started from seed and are grown organically in higher elevations of 1400 to 1500+MASL. They also source cherry we source is grown in their home region of Simalungun producing other coffees we carry: Sumatra Siamang and Aged Sumatra Semiga 7 The bourbon variety usually produces red fruit, but mutations have occurred where the fruit color is yellow. There is a cultivated variety called Yellow Bourbon which is rarer but still not too uncommon which resulted from a natural cross of Red Bourbon and a Yellow fruited Typica plant called Yellow de Botucatu in Brazil in 1930 and was released commercially to growers in the early 1950's.





Single Origin



Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia






Yellow Bourbon


Anaerobic Fermentation




Lisa and Leo’s Organic Coffee

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