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This lot was grown by Eddy Lopez in Huehuetenango, a region we have become rather familiar with over the past few harvest seasons. However, Eddy’s farm Las Gardenias is located near the town of Malacatancito, further south than many of the other producers we have worked with and not so far from the regional capital, Huehuetenango City. The climate here is similar, but the access to resources and knowledge is somewhat easier. Eddy has therefore been able to establish his business very differently to the rural northern Huehuetenango farmers. He has a larger farm, and has been able to invest in environment measures and unique varietals in order to differentiate himself from other farmers in the region. The local environment is carefully preserved, with native shade trees, and minimal chemical inputs used. This means there is a wide array of local wildlife habitat on the farm, including for Guatemala’s national bird, the Quetzal. Eddy has even invested in certifications in order to cement his environmental work, recently having achieved Rainforest Alliance status on the farm. This lot is of the Marsellesa varietal, one we have not come across before in our sourcing work. It is a seldom used Sarchimor hybrid, a cross between high yielding and disease resistant Timor Robusta Hybrids and the high quality Villa Sarchi, often seen in Costa Rica. Marsellesa itself is known for having a higher acidity than other Sarchimor cultivars. Another way Eddy differentiates himself is through processing; this is the only natural lot we have purchased from Huehuetenango this year. The high acidity of the Marsellesa comes through in ripe currant notes, backed up by a deep and caramel-like sweetness enhanced by Eddy’s careful natural processing. Eddy takes biodiversity and organic principles seriously, building a balanced eco-system with native shade trees.

Black Currant



Single Origin



Huehuetenango, Guatemala










Eddy Lopez


Las Gardenias

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