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Gogogu comes to us from the town of Dida Haro Hada Raro in Guji’s Uraga district, within Ethiopia’s Oromia region. Oromia is the largest region of Ethiopia, home to more than 30 million people. Guji is one of the oldest coffee-growing areas in Ethiopia. Dida Haro Hada Raro is remote and difficult to access, especially during the rainy season. Gogogu is Oromiffa for “dry” and also the name of the principal mountain in the area. Dida Haro Hada Raro houses Gogogu’s processing center where local producers drop off their coffee fruit, which they transport from their farms via horse, mule, or donkey. The farms are between 30 and 90 minutes away along dirt roads that become muddy and hazardous during the rainy season. Ethiopia is known for producing highly sought after complex and elegant coffees. With great varieties, high elevations, and a long history of producing coffee, this lot from Gogogu is a great example of why these coffees are so prized. Gogogu has flavors of stone fruit and citrus with elegant florals and a dessert like finish.

Passion Fruit




Single Origin



Guji, Ethiopia






Ethiopian Landrace



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