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Dense coffee with notes of hazelnuts, cocoa and dried fruits. Mozhiana — is one of Brazil's three main coffee-producing regions along with Sul de Minas and Serrado. It is located on the border of the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais. In this region, 3,500 farmers grow coffee on their farms, and their total plantation area is 202 thousand hectares. Brazil Mojiana is in many ways similar to another variety in the espresso roasting, which is in our assortment, — is Brazil Serrado. However, coffee from the Mozhiana region is characterized by greater sweetness and a little noticeable acidity of ripe orange. We found this coffee with the famous Olam green coffee importer, who works around the world. The company did not just buy this coffee in Brazil. This is a patented mixture of Olam, for which they personally select lots from different farms in the Mojian region, the highest quality, and process them themselves. For this mixture, Olam selected lots from 60 manufacturers throughout the region. And each of these farmers has many advantages from working with the company. Farmers were added to the central database, so their coffee takes precedence among other manufacturers. They also provide training for them, which is why farmers improve the quality of the crop and use advanced agricultural practices. Another important advantage of — for each bag ( 60 kg ) hasten coffee that the company buys, manufacturers receive a differentiated price with a premium to the standard commercial price. And at the end of the harvest year, farmers are paid an additional annual bonus. Thanks to such a careful approach to farmers and their coffee, the company manages to create a reproducible mixture, and from the game to the batch of coffee is always very homogeneous and complex. Therefore, for several years now we have been buying this particular mixture and are always confident in its quality.

Black Currant
















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