Guatemala Antigua Hunapu Micro Lot

Klatch Coffee


Los Angeles, CA, USA

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Klatch welcomes back this memorable coffee from the Antigua Valley, the Hunapu Micro Lot. General cupping notes: lemon-lime sweet, hints of fruit and dark cacao. HUNAPU is the indigenous name (in Quiché) that the ancest mayans gave the the Water Volcano (Volcán de Agua), where Antigua is located. Hunapu refers to coffee small producers that are near the Volcán de Agua and its slopes. Hunapu embraces around 250-350 small producers. The varieties they grow are bourbon, caturra and catuaí. Most of them have gotten involved in the process of separating lots and that has allowed them to improve the quality of their coffees. They also have been working hard in improving their agricultural activities like plant nutrition, tissue management and pest/disease control when necessary. After reaping the cherries, the coffee is taken to Bella Vista for wet and dry mill. Coffee is separated by lots (day of picking, variety, altitude).The efforts of over 30+ small scale producers from Beneficio Bella Vista is what makes this particular crop unique and memorable. Each of these producers harvest ripe coffee cherries, then processed in the traditional washed method. After that, depulped coffee seeds are soaked in water for 24 hours loosening the sticky pulp or mucilage, fermentation, washing and the drying process. The coffee could be sun-dried in patios or in our newest innovation: GREENHOUSES! The greenhouse allows to dry the coffee in a controlled environment and to dry the coffee gradually which results in a better cup. The airflow permits a more uniform drying process and the coffee beans can easily be hand sorted. After some resting time in our warehouses, the coffee goes through the dry mill process. The parchment from the coffee is removed and then the green beans are separated by size and weight. Finally the coffee is picked by an electronic classifier machine, which removes all the damaged beans by using a color scale. Through all this process we assure the best quality coffee from the Antigua Region.





Single Origin



Antigua, Guatemala











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