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Miguel Molina developed his farm over the years to a size of 2,5h with the Red Catuai variety. He is selling his selective crop and processing to Louis Campos of the Cordillera de Fuego wet Mill. His partner in processing the cherries. Manual Harvesting of cheries. - Cerries are 'floated' before processing to remove any defective fruits. - The fruits are fermented in a stainless steel tank for 24 hours, folowed by 18 hours of drying in a 'solar dry' - The temperature is controlled by PH measurements.The tanks are airtight and he bsence of oxygen simulates a thermic fermentaton process. The process develops in a unique series of acids such as lactc and malic, which translate to a complexity in flavor. - Once ready, the coffee is 100% sundried.



Brown Sugar


Single Origin




Red Catuai


Anaerobic Fermentation


Cordillera De Fuego


Miguel Molina

Download the app for the full Tasting Ground community experience.

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