Strangers Coffee
Norwich, UK
Granada is part of La Bolsa Farm block, of which there are 12 in total. It was started started by the Vides family in 1958 with the aim of committing to environmental and sustainable farming methods with the original owners still being the driving force behind the farm. Granda is Rainforest Alliance certified and has a school and nursery on site with fully trained, full time teachers. All of the temporary and permanent staff have access to schooling for their children, and they are incentivised to leave their children at school or nursery through food donations. When a child attends school or nursery for 5 consecutive days they receive a weekly supply of rice, beans and corn As a result there are no children working on the farm, and the school and nursery classes are full. Accommodation is provided for both permanent and temporary workers, with separate facilities for men and women. Sections of the farm are also reserved areas to promote biodiversity, reduce exposure to winds and soil erosion. Inga trees are used as a shade trees, and to fix nitrogen in the soil which is essential for plant and cherry growth. Renardo has an expansive composting operation to make use of waste products, using redworms. This is a natural processed lot where the cherries have been handpicked when ripe, sorted and then dried using the farm’s own parabolic dry mill for a time between 20 and 25 days before being stored for export.
Single Origin
Huehuetenango, Guatemala