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Alfonso Urriola is 56 years old and has been working in coffee for his whole life. He inherited his farm from his parents and oversees its daily operations today. His farm is 10 hectares with eight dedicated to coffee production, which is entirely of the Caturra variety. He employs up to 30 people during the harvest, while he and his son manage the year-round maintenance, which is all performed by hand. This coffee is brought to us by Creative Coffee District. CCD have established cooperative relationships with coffee growers committed to maintaining sustainable crops in Hornito, Renacimiento and Boquete. CCD buys coffee cherry from their farmer partners and processes them - pushing the limits to create exceptional profiles that span the spectrum of flavors, resulting in something impressive and unique to Panamanian coffees. The collaborating producers bring their beautifully ripe cherries to the CCD mill, and work begins. First, they make sure the quality is there. They look for average Brix levels of 18° or higher, and a pH above 4.5. Focused on one ambient environment and average temperature while exploring the effects of time on each lot, they provide the same canvas for each coffee. Each lot, both micro and nano, is placed into sealed valved plastic circular tanks, with 270kg of cherry in each. The valve allows oxygen to escape, creating an anaerobic environment. The tanks are housed at the facility and generously shaded to maintain average temperatures of 28° celsius. Following a physical analysis of the cherry, and taking into account altitude, microclimate, and varietal, each lot is designated into one of the four following fermentation styles. This particular lot is the STATIC CHERRY fermentation style. This coffee underwent a 60 hour Anaerobic Fermentation then dried on patio for 14 days. Static Cherry sees more development of lactic acidity in the cup, darker fruit notes, with a big, creamy body.






Single Origin



Boquete, Panama






Anaerobic Fermentation


Creativa Coffee District



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