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We visited Kenya in December of 2019, right in the swing of harvest. During our time in Kenya, we ventured upcountry to visit the many stations we purchase coffee from each year, in order to see the harvest and to meet with our partners there to plan for cupping coffees shortly after. Driving upcounty to Nyeri is stunning, the driver expertly weaves their way through the traffic of Nairobi. The city can seemingly extend forever, due to the massive amount of layered housing extending from the city center. Once Nairobi fades away, you comfortably cruise the highway north towards Nyeri. On a clear day, Mount Kenya is in full snow capped view to the left, while miles and miles of pineapples pass by your right. Once you reach the base of Mount Kenya national park, well-known names of cooperatives and washing stations start to pop up. During our time, we visited many stations that we purchase from each year. The Gachatha Farmers Cooperative Society is made up of about 1300 farmers. Jane Nyawira has managed their wet mill (factory) for over 12 years now. It is rare to see a manager work for such a long time and shows that dedication and consistency always help provide a great cup. Located 100 miles north of Nairobi, the cooperative is in the famous coffee-growing region of Nyeri. There they utilize the elevation of the Aberdare Mountains and water from the Kangunu river. This station has consistently produced incredibly sweet, complex, bright coffees, and we continue to ask marketers and reps to bid on these at the auction on our behalf.





Single Origin



Nyeri, Kenya






Ruiru 11, SL-28, SL-34






Jane Nyawira


Gachatha Farmers Cooperative Society

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