HAYB Specialty Coffee
Warsaw, Poland
The basic fact is that this coffee will elicit a shout of satisfaction from any person who is a fan of Kenyan flavors. On the other hand, another handful of facts are as follows: – Kangocho washing station, is located along the Nairobi-Nyeri highway, just 5 km from Karatina, on the fertile soils of the Aberdare mountain range. – The station is wholly owned by coffee farmers and operates under the supervision of an elected representative council. – The processing of the beans here begins with the farmers’ delivery of ripe cherries. – An overnight fermentation process naturally breaks down the sugars. – After washing, the coffee is placed on raised drying beds and carefully rotated to ensure even drying. – Kangocho actively supports its 781 farmers through a field oversight committee, agronomic advice, social welfare initiatives (including loans for school fees and medical assistance), and training in sustainable agriculture.
Red Currant
Single Origin
Karatina, Kenya
Kangocho washing station