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A complex array of fruit tones reminiscent of black cherry and tart pomegranate with rich underlying molasses sweetness and a bright, structured aftertaste. Luz Amanda and her husband, Jose Pechene, are cultivating some of the most exciting coffee we've tasted from Colombia. Their farm, La Independencia, is perched above the Rio Paez river, surrounded by waterfalls and lush forested mountains. This is where Jose Pechene grew up, working from early childhood on his family’s coffee farm, learning cultivation techniques firsthand. He and Luz only recently purchased their own farm, but they are already producing extremely compelling coffees. We first purchased their coffee in 2020 and received a glimpse of their farm's potential. Over the last few years, their commitment to continual improvement and their boundless curiosity has helped that potential become a reality. Each coffee we taste from La Independencia is truly stunning.This Winter 2023 release is a phenomenal example of their diligent work. This coffee was grown in the Inza municipality of Cauca, Colombia. At their best, coffees from Inza display deep dark fruit characteristics that are almost red wine-like. This underlying dark sugar sweetness can be attributed W to the terroir of Inza, as well as the particular cultivation methods utilized by Jose and Luz. Thier slightly longer than usual fermentation of 36 hours allows a ripe fruit characteristics to develop in the seeds. The variety of trees cultivated on the farm (called Colombia) also provide a level of depth and complexity that make for an articulate cup.


Black Cherry



Single Origin



Inza, Cauca, Colombia












Luz Amanda and Jose Pechene


La Independencia

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