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Oswal Yovanny Rodriguez Guevara (who prefers to go by "Yovanny") owns and operates Finca La Victoria, a three-hectare farm on the perimeter of the semi-active Galeras Volcano in Nariño, Colombia. Yovanny purchased the farm in 2002 and inherited the farm's many "mystery" coffee trees, of which the exact coffee variety was unknown. He eventually harvested and processed the mystery coffee and sold it to his local cooperative, CafeOccidente. The cooperative accepted the coffee (which turned out to be of the Caturra variety) and included it as part of their microlot coffee program. Since then, Yovanny has replaced all of the Caturra variety with Castillo variety trees. After almost two decades, Yovanny has expanded his operation, employing about forty workers during harvest season who assist with picking the coffee cherries. The coffee cherries are weighed, depulped, and then placed in a fermentation tank. The coffee is fermented between ten to twelve hours before it is washed and then laid out to dry for fifteen days on drying patios. Although Yovanny is considered a relatively new producer, his passion and steadfast work ethic have enabled him to learn quickly and develop his coffee production year after year. We're excited to feature Yovanny's latest crop and to witness his continued growth. Enjoy!





Single Origin



Nariño, Colombia








Oswal Yovanny Rodriguez Guevara


Finca La Victoria

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