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On the southern slopes of Mount Kenya, the prestigious Kirinyaga district is blessed with rich volcanic soil, abundant fresh water, and elevation of 1600 to 1700 metres. Gakuyu-ini was produced by 1600 smallholders, who contribute cherries to the Thirikwa Farmers Cooperative. This juicy filter captures everything that is good about the Kirinyaga terroir, with an irrestible note of blackcurrant. Our Kenyan filters are always highlights in our portfolio: for those who love bright, juicy profiles. Gakuyu-ini has strong notes of blackcurrant and plum up front. Floral violet appears in cooling, with a lively acidity and deep complexity. Gakuyu-ini is the main processing station of the Thirikwa Farmers Cooperative. Around 1600 small holders contribute to the station, receiving some of the highest prices in the region for their consistenly quality. Gakuyu-ini is situated on the slopes of Mount Kenya, benefitting from fertile volcanic soil and altitudes ranging from 1600 - 1700 meters above sea level. The washing station is only 1.5 hours from Nairobi, demonstrating just how close the typical coffee growing areas of Kenya are to the city. The quality of Kenyan coffee is ensured at the factory or processing station. Dilligent work by the cherry clerk ensures cherries are strictly sorted by grade. Cherries are hand sorted for unripes and overripes by the farmers before they go into further processing. A disc pulping machine removes the cherries and pulp. The coffees are then graded by density into different qualities. The coffee is fermented for 16-24 hours under water. After fermentation the coffees are double washed and again graded by density in wash­ing channels. They are then soaked with clean water from the Gatomboya stream for 16-18 hours. Drying takes place on raised African beds over 21 days.


Black Currant


Single Origin



Kirinyaga County, Kenya






SL-28, SL-34






Thiririka Farmers Cooperative

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