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When we launched in the spring of 2014, we set out to achieve two goals: Provide every pup with a second chance at a full and loving life. Second, catalyze our coffee drinking, animal loving friends to reclaim the last 15 minutes of their morning. Sit & Stay was developed to serve as a simple, yet delicious reminder that the world can wait 15 minutes while you exhale, sip your coffee, and sneak in a few more belly rubs with your four-legged best friend. Blending beans from Papua New Guinea, Mexico, and Peru, we created our most full-bodied and savory coffee yet. Aromatic notes of Milk Chocolate and Clove explode from the cup and the first sip reveals soft notes of Marshmallow and subtle hints of Black Cherry.

Milk Chocolate



Black Cherry







Download the app for the full Tasting Ground community experience.

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download on the google play store