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In Colombia (and many coffee-producing countries), it’s pretty common for small landholders to produce lots of their harvest that aren’t large enough to be exported on their own. And, more often than not, the quality of these small lots match or exceed the quality of larger lots. So, in order to bring these coffees to export, our partners at The Coffee Quest buy these small lots of coffee and create larger lots based on profile and the quality score the coffee receives. Enter Las Perlitas (translates to ‘little pearls’), a celebration of washed coffee from various small lots from producers in the Huila region. It’s a true win-win situation to all involved, a way to reward the commitment of the producers of these small lots without punishing them for a lack of volume. The coffee buyers on the ground are always hunting for these ‘little pearls’ across the region. The beauty of this coffee is that each iteration is slightly different depending on the lots purchased, while maintaining a super high level of quality and a fruity complexity. In this lot, we taste elegance; sweet strawberry candy and juicy grape make for a super flavorful cup. We just can’t stop sipping on these little pearls! (P.S. No actual pearls were ingested while enjoying this coffee, just in case you were worried about that




Single Origin



Huila, Colombia






Geisha/Gesha, Pink Bourbon, Caturra





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