Social Coffee
Richmond Hill, ON, Canada
The property belongs to the family for more than 40 years, where since the beginning there have been coffee plantations. The owner works with his sons and daughters in law, with the constant effort of producing specialty coffees. They have a small peeler, but have been investing in improvement of their post harvest structure and building new patios. Their lots are constantly classified at local quality contests, they won the third position at Bourbon Specialty Coffees 2015 contest, which gave the producer the opportunity to travel to Guatemala and learn a lot with the trip organized by Bourbon. As part of their routine they like to do different experiments with their coffee, such as fermentation with or without water for 12 hours, and also only pulped. The harvest is selective, from May to November, manually picking only cherry three to four times, then put in raffia bags allowing better ventilation, providing the bean from undesirable fermentation and putting it in the shadow until processing. Initially the dry beans (boias) are separated and pulped, always without using the weight on the peeler. Then, they are taken to a covered patio where the coffee is spread right away in thin layers until all water excess is drought, afterward they do thicker layers, having a slow drying that lasts around 15 days. The region has a tropical altitude climate, where the average temperature is 19,0ºC and rains around 1750mm annually. When they face rain during harvest it complicates the harvest, but with extra effort and dedication quality can be improved. As results have been positive, they are concerned about producing specialty coffees, aiming to improve constantly, always renewing the plantations and doing some research for further information. “I am glad that Bourbon’s clients are appreciating my product and people abroad are drinking a coffee my family produced” – says Mr. Francisco.
Single Origin
State of Espírito Santo, Brazil
Red Catuai