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There's no denying it - we're suckers for juicy, bright, and fruit-forward coffees, and look forward to fresh Kenyas all year long. Kenya is back in the Huck lineup, and we're kicking things off with this gem from the Kiaguthu Factory and Othaya Cooperative in Nyeri! This one's perfect for summer: pink grapefruit and cranberry acidity paired with brown sugar- and peach pie-like sweetness. Refreshing and crisp, especially as a filter brew or hot-over-ice iced coffee. . Othaya Farmers Cooperative Society is a union of cooperatives in Kenya's famed Nyeri county, and Kiaguthu is one of the 17 factories (Kenya coffee-speak for these first-tier cooperatives) that make up the larger group. All in all, approximately 10,000 coffee growers make up Othaya FCS, just over 400 of whom deliver their coffee to Kiaguthu, where it is washed in the traditional Kenyan style, and dried slowly on raised beds. We’re psyched on Othaya in large part because the society also manages its own dry milling and quality control. While many other factories deliver their coffee to foreign-owned dry mills, Othaya has its own cupping lab and dry mill in Nyeri, so the factories get feedback and have a bit more control over whether their coffees are sold directly to buyers like Huck, or go to auction. When we visited a few years back, everyone we met at Othaya was great, but it's worth saying that David, who runs the Othaya lab and mill, is the man. Furthermore, Othaya and a few other Cooperative Societies export their coffee collectively as Kenyan Cooperative Coffee Exporters. Kenyan owned, Kenyan operated. And the coffee’s delicious. This coffee is sweet, juicy, and bright, like all our favorite Kenyas. We're tasting pink grapefruit-like citrus, red berries, brown sugar, and ripe yellow peach, just in time for peach season here in Colorado!







Nyeri County, Kenya



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