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We are so proud to release this Brazilian coffee this year! Inacio is one of our first direct trade partners and he’s doing some amazing work in Mata de Minas. São Sebastião do Anta the region Inacio’s farm resides is not that well known for coffee growing, in fact Inacio’s father primarily traded in conventional coffee’s during his youth. This was indoctrinated by green traders, who told Jairo he would never be able to produce specialty grade coffee on his farm period. Even Inacio himself was not intending on taking over the farm from his father, but when Jairo came down with a serious illness Inacio returned to the fazenda and his passion to continue his fathers legacy blossomed. On his father passing, Inacio made it his mission to improve the farm from the ground up. He’s a young ambitious farmer that is open to new ideas from soil management, processing to drying and the results in the cup really speak for themselves. The farm is small enough that no mechanical picking machines are used, which is generally uncommon in Brazil. The care and attention to detail on picking and processesing is paramount to Inacio, he believes that by investing in the farm he can lift the entire community up. Even on his second harvest the community was benefiting immediately as the prices he had achieved had greatly increased from when the farm was focussed on high yield conventional production. What’s even more impressive is that these are in fact the same coffee plants that were sold as conventional coffee. In the past they were scoring sub 80 points for market sale but now with Inacio’s fuel to change, he’s already pushed this lot up to 86 points. We are so incredibly proud of the achievements of Fazenda Jairo Soares and think the best is still to come!


Milk Chocolate





Mata, Boa Esperança - MG, Brazil


Red Catuai, Catuai


Anaerobic Honey Fermentation




Inacio Soares


Fazenda Jaques Soares

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