Specialty Instant Coffee Brazil

The Barn


Berlin, Germany

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Enjoy the best Specialty Instant Coffee. Our Instant Coffee will change your perception of this product. The cup is creamy, sweet and clean. It takes milk well but should be best enjoyed black. Ideal for traveling, your office or just a quick cup at home. When we created this product, several things were on our mind: - Buying more high quality coffee beans from our coffee farmers - Reaching more people with our coffees - Make it easy to enjoy THE BARN Coffee (no equipment) - Offering a cup quality similar to a Long Black or Americano - Our Instant is produced with pure coffee powder and water Brazil Version: We are buying this coffee from our FAF farm partners in the Mococa region of Sao Paolo State in Brazil. Flavour Notes: Toffee & Vanilla. 1 box contains 6 sachets of 4.5g Store sachets at room temperature.



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