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The Kii coffee factory is run by a cooperative of 850 active members in the Kirinyaga region of Kenya. Located at the base of Mt. Kenya which is the second-highest peak in Africa, this coffee factory is named after the Kii river that flows nearby. The Kii coffee factory team receives coffee cherries from its members and then sort, float, depulp, ferment, wash, and soak the coffee. The coffee is then dried for two week on raised beds before it is precisely milled to the Kenyan AA grade classification. The dry milling ensures a uniform coffee bean size which we've found enhances the acidity and expressiveness of the tasting notes. Sensory Our last Kenyan coffee offering of the season is steadily sweet and juicy with a stone fruit base, and grapefruit acidity to make it a truly rounded cup of coffee.



White Pear


Single Origin







Ruiru 11, SL-28, SL-34, Batain



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