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Working on a farm is not easy. Farmworkers from all over the world fight to keep their craft alive every day for it has not been given the recognition and value it deserves. Regardless of how experienced and careful a farmer is, the success of each crop and resulting harvest is dependent on a volatile and uncontrollable climate. Furthermore, no matter how much effort is put into a crop, the economic retribution hardly ever corresponds with the effort put into it. The resulting effect of the precariousness of this industry is disastrous for those involved; most end up migrating into the city and too few remain out in the countryside to dedicate their lives to the ancient practice of working the land. Within the world of coffee production, one direct consequence of the prolonged denigration of the farmers' work can be seen in the loss of a trained workforce which has directly affected the quality of the harvest. This is troubling for obvious reasons, but perhaps the most important one being that without a quality harvest at the hand of a trained picker, it is almost impossible to guarantee a cup of coffee of the highest quality. With all of this in mind, Azahar has created their Proyecto Recolectores - The Picker's Project. In 2018 Azahar selected a team of 30 pickers in the vereda of Tasnasqua in Yacuanquer to train in best practices for picking the highest quality cherries and preserving the quality for processing. Workers were paid twice the normal price for picking coffee, and the resulting cup quality was phenomenal. In this third year, there were 52 pickers in the program and we are proud to share the results with you now.

Brown Sugar




Single Origin



Yacuanquer, Narino, Colombia




Castillo, Caturra





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