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This coffee grew high in the Ugandan mountains near the village of Zebigi and was processed by Coffee Gardens, which owns a station under the hill. Most farmers live above the station and maintain a very personal relationship with Coffee Gardens. Microlot coffee is combined by the harvest date, a similar taste profile and properties. PRODUCER Coffee Gardens was founded in 2017 to produce excellent selective coffee in an ethical way and to offer a transparent and direct connection between coffee growers and consumers. Last year, with the support of the roasters of a farmer belonging to Coffee Gardens, Falcon trained in growing coffee among shady trees, good agricultural practices and better harvest techniques. In July, the Falcon distributed over 8,300 seedlings of shade, fruit and fast-growing trees. Training continues this year, and TCG is also building toilet blocks for three primary schools in the area to improve quality of life. PROCESSING Within a few hours after the harvest, coffee cherries are transferred to a processing station in 50-pound bags called runners – by a team of more than 160 women and men employed from the local community. The coffee is peeled off at the station and then subjected to a special fermentation method, which includes the first wash, long soaking in cold mountain spring water and subsequent fine, long fermentation lasting forty hours before the final wash. Finally, the coffee is sorted carefully. VARIETY The SL14 variety is especially typical for Uganda and Kenya. It is tolerant of drought and winter, has light brown leaves, higher growth and is highly productive. Unfortunately, it is prone to disease and pests. In addition to Uganda and Kenya, SL28 is also grown in Malawi and Zimbabwe. It also tolerates drought and is popular for its great taste. However, like its „ sestra “, it is susceptible to disease. The Nyasaland variety is characterized by high quality and good taste potential, light brown leaves and high stature. It is especially popular with small farmers from Uganda.






Single Origin









SL-28, SL-14






Coffee Gardens



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