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Mr. Pablo Guerrero was the first to introduce coffee to the Tangua area outside of the city of Pasto in the year 2000. Hacienda El Obraje has been in Pablo's family for many years and originally produced wheat and other grains on 92 hectares of land. El Obraje’s wet mill on the property now includes tile fermentation tanks, depulping equipment, mechanical oven dryers, and raised drying beds under a solar dryer. The climate and terrain of Obraje are major contributing factors to its coffee's unique cup profile. Obraje often does not receive adequate rainfall and instead has to irrigate select lots using water from the farm's retention pond. Temperatures vary greatly in a day, ranging from 32°C at noon to 8°C or less at night. The drastic temperature fluctuations impact the density of the coffee beans, and also causes the trees to be more compact than trees growing in other regions of Colombia. The humidity is high during the rainy season, making it nearly impossible to dry coffee on raised beds. Initially, planting shade trees would have been disadvantageous given the humidity, as too much moisture would case disease. The coffee has adapted to its conditions though, and the farm now has low-density shade trees planted along with the coffee trees. Pablo brought Gesha seeds from Panama in 2011, starting with 2,000 trees. Four years later he planted another 7,000 trees, which are now in production on the farm. This lot of Gesha coffee underwent Washed processing at the mill. Normally, cherries are fermented whole for 20 hours in the same bags that the pickers use for harvest. Cherries are selectively harvested for ripeness and sorted by floatation. After being pulped, coffee is dry fermented for another 24 hours and then fully washed before being sorted a second time via floatation. The coffee is then dried for an average of 16 days on raised beds or four days in the mechanical parchment combustion dryer, where it receives a hot air flow of 30 degrees Celsius.




Bittersweet Chocolate


Single Origin



Narino, Colombia










Pablo Guerrero


Hacienda El Obraje

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